Traveling Nurse Safety Tips · The Gypsy Nurse

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By TNAA- Travel Nurse Across America

January 25, 2023



6 Safety Tips for a Traveling Nurse

TNAA Healthcare provided this article.

Your assignment is booked, your bags are packed, and you’re ready to embark on this grand adventure of being a travel nurse! It’s time to explore new places, try new things, and meet new people. While you’re enjoying this adventurous career, you should take a few precautions to keep yourself safe because things can change from good to ugly within a matter of moments.

Safety Tips to Remember as You’re Traveling to Your Assignment

1. Make well-lit pitstops

When you’re taking a pitstop while driving to your assignment, make sure it’s at a well-lit, busy place. If you’re approached by anyone who makes you uncomfortable, there are plenty of witnesses who can see what’s happening and potentially step in to help.

2. Look directly at some of the security cameras as you walk inside and while in the store.

In the event something happens later, there’s now clear video evidence of where you were, what you were doing, and how you were dressed.

3. Keep a loved one updated on your location.

Let them know your ETA, text or call them when you stop, and tell them when you arrive at your final destination. This is another way to create a timeline of where you were, and it’ll provide some comfort to them as they know you’re safe and sound.

4. Have a plan for how you will get out of trouble if someone tries to hurt you.

Carry any self-defense tools (pepper spray, electroshock weapons, etc.) that you feel comfortable using (and know the state laws for carrying them), use a safety whistle, or yell at the top of your lungs.

5. Limit the information you share with strangers.

You can still be cordial while not giving away your life story, your location, or that you’re traveling alone.

6. Update your agency on your assignment address.

As your support system on the road, your agency will want to know that you’re okay in the event of an emergency situation. You might be going to a region with natural disasters – like earthquakes, hurricanes, or wildfires – that you’re not used to experiencing. Your agency’s first priority is making sure you’re safe, and they’re likely watching the emergency situations that could threaten your area. Ensuring your agency has your updated address makes it that much easier for them to update and prepare you.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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