Lina Belegu, Author at The Gypsy Nurse

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The Advantages of a Healthy Lifestyle You Should Know
Get this. Adults in America only make up 13% of those with healthy metabolisms. Thirteen percent only! Your body’s capacity to maintain appropriate triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, ...
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Strong Advice for Keeping up a Healthy Lifestyle
Simply said, when we are healthy, we perform at our best. But is keeping up a great state of health really so easy? There are many temptations that we must ...
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Natural Energy Boosting Tips
Is your day dragging you down? It’s okay if you’re feeling a bit more tired than usual because life is so chaotic, demanding, and all-consuming these days. While you may ...
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Reduce Stress with a Healthy Eating Plan
One reason busy, stressed people gain weight is that they eat fast food or go out to eat more frequently. This is reasonable; you may not have time to come ...
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