Mynoucka, Author at The Gypsy Nurse

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Transitioning to Travel Nursing: My Takeaways
First, deciding to use a staffing agency or book through a hospital directly. The first thing to do when deciding whether transitioning to travel nursing is for you is to ...
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Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable
If travel nursing allows you to travel all over the country and get paid while doing it, why isn’t everyone doing it? Travel is getting increasingly popular; in 2019, millions ...
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Travel Nursing to Entrepreneur – My Journey and Advice
I started traveling in October 2018; I began my blog and website in April 2019. I started my podcast on a solo trip to Hawaii, running my first marathon in ...
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How Travel Nursing Works: Steps I Took to Get Started
I want to talk about how travel nursing works. Over the last several months, I have had questions about the steps you should take if you’re thinking about making the ...
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Reflecting on My First Year as a Travel Nurse: Tips for New Travel Nurses
I want to share with all of you a review of my first year as a travel nurse and offer some tips; This is my first full year as a ...
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Starting Life as a Travel Nurse
Today we’re discussing the world of travel nursing. How did I begin? Why did I start? You should keep in mind some key items before beginning your travel nursing journey. ...
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