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8 Tips for Beating the Winter Blues as a Travel Nurse

TNAA-Travel Nurse Across America provided this article. Winter can be a magical season filled with cozy nights, holiday celebrations, and the charm of snow-covered landscapes. However, for travel nurses constantly on the move, winter can also bring about feelings of isolation, homesickness, and the infamous winter blues. The combination of shorter days, colder temperatures, and being away from familiar surroundings can be challenging. But fear not! These tried-and-true tips will help you navigate the winter months and beat the wintertime doldrums. Embrace the Season Instead of dreading the cold, try to find joy in winter activities. Whether it’s ice skating, skiing,…

To The Travel Nurses Caring for End-of-Life Patients…

Becoming an oncology nurse was something I fell into. I had a rotation on the oncology floor during nursing school. I loved the patients and nurses, so I applied to that floor for my extended placement. What I didn’t recognize at the time was that my role as an oncology nurse included not only helping people heal and get better but also helping them die. Dignity, respect, and comfort are the goals of comfort care. This is for the nurses who need a little support and guidance when caring for patients at the end of life. I began my nursing…

Festive Cheer from Afar: Embracing the Holiday Spirit as a Traveling Healthcare Professional

Amare Medical Network provided this article. The holiday season is a time of joy, family, and tradition. However, for traveling healthcare professionals, this special time of year can also bring a pang of homesickness. The hustle and bustle of the hospital, coupled with the distance from loved ones, can make it challenging to fully embrace the festive spirit. But fear not; there are plenty of ways to spread holiday cheer even when you’re away from home. 1. Embrace the Local Holiday Flair Every city and town has its unique holiday traditions and festivities. Take advantage of your temporary location by immersing…

Snow-Capped Opportunities: A Travel Nurse Guide to Living & Working in a Winter Wonderland

Advantage Medical Professionals provided this article. As winter blankets the world in a serene layer of snow, travel nurses have the unique opportunity to embark on a journey to some of the most enchanting destinations. The chilly season opens doors to experiences both magical and invigorating, inviting healthcare professionals to embrace the winter wonderlands while fulfilling their crucial roles. In this blog, we will explore the best winter travel nursing destinations where healthcare meets adventure. From ski resorts nestled in the mountains to charming towns adorned with festive lights, these destinations not only offer career opportunities but also promise unforgettable memories.…

Tips for Networking As a Travel Nurse

Trustaff provided this article. Trustaff’s Networking Tips for Travel Nurses Navigating the dynamic world of travel nursing can sometimes feel like a solitary journey. However, with the right connections and relationships, every travel nurse can amplify their career opportunities and enrich their professional experiences. Networking, an often-underutilized tool, is pivotal for personal and professional growth, especially for travel nurses. Whether you’re looking to expand your horizons, discover new job opportunities, or find camaraderie in shared experiences, networking can be the key. Why Networking Matters for Travel Nurses 1. Unveiling New Opportunities: Networking can open doors to travel nursing assignments you might…

Giving Back While on Your Travel Nurse Assignment

TNAA-Travel Nurse Across America provided this article. November 28 is GivingTuesday, the day that highlights the power of generosity by encouraging everyone to give back. Since its launch in 2012, GivingTuesday has become a global movement, with millions of people finding ways, both large and small, to make an impact. As a travel nurse, you are naturally compassionate and caring, and giving back while off the clock may interest you. For travel nurses, it can be a rewarding reprieve from their day-to-day work and a great way to engage the community in their new home away from home. Fortunately for travel…

9 Must-See Travel Nursing Destinations in Autumn 2023

Advantage Medical Professionals provided this article. As the sweltering heat of summer begins to wane, it’s the perfect time for travel nurses to embark on a new (and slightly cooler) adventure. Autumn is considered a season of unparalleled beauty with its crisp air, falling leaves, and sense of natural transformation. If you’re a wanderlust-driven healthcare professional looking to combine your passion for nursing with the joys of exploring new places, you’re in for a treat! We’ll guide you through a curated list of autumn travel nursing destinations with promising work opportunities and unforgettable experiences amid the breathtaking backdrop of fall foliage.…

How to Become a Travel Nurse

This article was provided by Cross Country Nurses. As a travel nurse, an incredible personal and professional adventure awaits you. Travel nursing is attractive because it allows you to create your path and choose the journey to arrive successfully. You will satisfy your wanderlust if you enjoy exploring as many new cities as possible while working at multiple facilities on a short-term contract for above-average pay. If you like to feel more settled and stay in one place for longer than 12-14 weeks while continuing to build relationships for above-average income, you can have the best of both worlds. If travel…

How to Make Long-Lasting Friendships as a Travel Nurse

One of the most challenging aspects of being a travel nurse is leaving behind your friends and social support network in your hometown. However, if you are just starting out as a travel nurse or have been at it for a while, you do not have to sacrifice friendships. Making friends can be simple, and you can create deep, long-lasting relationships within a short period of time. In this article, we will provide you with tips and strategies on how to build meaningful relationships with your fellow travel nurses while on assignment. 1. Join Social Media Groups of Travel Nurses…